Flashback Unicorns


Unicorns ANFS
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Movie size
Production Cel

No Background

Added 11/22/2008

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Stephanie Cel:
This has been one of the sequences that has been on my wishlist since I started cel collecting. One of those things I dreamed about but, didn't think I'd ever see available at a price I could even think about being able to afford. When this one came up I knew I had to try for it but, I considered it a lost cause from the start as we have nowhere near the sort of bankroll most people who collect TLU do. As the auction went on it went up bit by bit but, never really got too close to my high bid. In the last day or so it spiked to where I was worried and absolutely certain it was going to go up and over what I could bid on it. To my surprise and disbelief I won a couple hundred short of what I had to spend. Paying for this has been no easy task but, all the stress and hardship was well worth it to me to own something so magical and beautiful. I really love how one looks so happy to be nuzzling the other.

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