Suu & Kazuhiko Background and Sketch


Suu & Kazuhiko Background and Sketch
Source: OVA
Layers: 0
Production sketch

Original Production Background

Added 12/06/2009

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Joint Cel:
We've always been drawn to CLAMP's darker works so naturally we love the dark beauty of Clover. The manga is a unique experience and features some of clamps greatest artwork. The short music video was just as beautiful and we longed wished and dreamed to see artwork available from it. We're very pleased to have gotten original sketches and backgrounds from it.

While not quite the portrait shots we've been dreaming of, it's wonderful to have Suu and Kazuhiko together. This sketch is insanely huge, 2 passes with our legal size scanner still isn't enough to get it all. For the main image, we're showing the original background which we only scanned once though it's as big as the sketch. The background is much more interesting in person, it's got an embossed texture and metallic flecks all over it. In the sketch slots we have the individual scans of each side of the sketch (with some overlap in the center of course) and the scan we stitched together.

We feel very blessed to own such a rare and beautiful piece.

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